Creating a static contact list

  • Last updated on August 25, 2022 at 10:57 AM

Uploading a contact list is really easy once you know how! This article will explain how to upload a simple list of just numbers, or what we call a “static” list.

First of all, you will need a contact list in an Excel sheet or CSV file to upload. Make sure that the file only has one sheet.

For a static list you don’t need to use a column header, just make sure your numbers are in column A. It doesn’t matter what format the numbers are in, or if the leading 0 is missing as the portal will still be able to read them.

Your list should look something like this:

Save this list somewhere on your device, as you will need to upload it to the portal in a few steps.

To upload the list, head to the contact list section of the portal, under 'Contacts'

Click on the “Create New Contact List” button, as shown by the red arrow, to begin the contact uploader steps.

You will be prompted to enter a contact list name. This is just for your reference and won’t be seen by your recipients. You can include a description if needed but it is not a requirement.

Make sure you select your default country code. Please note that if you want to send outside of the UK you must contact your Account Manager to enable this.

Once you have filled in these details, hit “Next” and then select “Upload via File” to select the list from your PC.

For more information on the other options available for uploading contacts, check out our Contacts collection in our knowledge base.

Once you have selected the file you want to use, ensure that you select “File has no column titles” as you are uploading a simple list.

If you want to allow duplicate numbers to be uploaded with different custom fields, you can select this option also.

Once you hit next, your contact list will be uploaded. Depending on the size of the list, it may take some time to upload. You will be returned to the contact list overview page where you can see the processing. You can navigate away from this page whilst the list is upload if you need to.

Once it has finished processing, you can see that the list status is “Active”. Click on the green “i” to see list info such as how many invalid numbers, duplicate numbers and blacklisted numbers there are.

If you need any further help, please contact the team directly or see our other articles in the contact list section.

More info on uploading a dynamic list can be found in this article

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