Repeat Web SMS
- Last updated on August 31, 2022 at 4:21 PM
Repeat Web SMS can be found within the Advanced Features of the Web SMS module. It allows the user the option to set their message up to be repeated on either specific days or every day.
You also have the control to set the date it finishes or to continue it running indefinitely.
If you have scheduled a message to go out at a specific time, each time it is repeated it will go out at the same time. There is also the option to include your email address so you can receive a reminder prior to the message being repeated.
When it comes to the overview prior to sending the message, you will see confirmation of the Repeat Web SMS being set up:
You are able to see an overview of all existing Repeat Web SMS that are currently scheduled in the portal, you can find this by navigating to the menu on the left hand side:
Once in this section, you will see any existing Repeat Web SMS that are scheduled to go out. By using the options under the Action tab you can view, edit, pause or delete the Web SMS: