Schools out, Summer is in!
It’s that time that some parents dread, the kids are home for the next six weeks, causing untold carnage and wrecking any semblance of calm.
BUT it’s a golden opportunity to get some business done, parents/carers across the country are going to be looking for things for their kids (and themselves) to do from now all the way until September!
Are you a pub? Stick a bouncy castle in your car park and send out a message to your subscribers letting them know they can come down and have a pint while their kids jump themselves into exhaustion. Own an eatery? Kids eat free. You can do some great business during the summer holidays if you market right.
Parents/carers are going to be looking for things to do, so get your traffic out to them quicker than email, radio or television. SMS messages are in front of people in seconds (97% of people open a text within 4 minutes of receiving it).
Sounds simple, because it is.
You can upload a contact list and create a WebSMS campaign within minutes!
There are hundreds of ways to take advantage of this time of parental/carer desperation and manic levels of energy in kids, below are just a few ways you can cash in through a SMS marketing campaign.
Follow these simple pointers and send out an effective SMS marketing campaign and you can cash in on the Summer Holidays before the kids are all packed up and back at school.